FreeRTOS.org V5.1.1 - Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Richard Barry.
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/* Task that controls the uIP TCP/IP stack. */
/* Standard includes. */
#include <string.h>
/* Scheduler includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "semphr.h"
/* uip includes. */
#include "uip.h"
#include "uip_arp.h"
#include "httpd.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "clock-arch.h"
/* Demo includes. */
#include "FEC.h"
#include "partest.h"
/* Shortcut to the header within the Rx buffer. */
#define xHeader ((struct uip_eth_hdr *) &uip_buf[ 0 ])
* Port functions required by the uIP stack.
void clock_init( void );
clock_time_t clock_time( void );
extern void timer_set(struct timer *t, clock_time_t interval);
extern int timer_expired(struct timer *t);
extern void timer_reset(struct timer *t);
/* The semaphore used by the ISR to wake the uIP task. */
extern xSemaphoreHandle xFECSemaphore;
void clock_init(void)
/* This is done when the scheduler starts. */
/* Define clock functions here to avoid header file name clash between uIP
and the Luminary Micro driver library. */
clock_time_t clock_time( void )
return xTaskGetTickCount();
void vuIP_Task( void *pvParameters )
portBASE_TYPE i;
uip_ipaddr_t xIPAddr;
struct timer periodic_timer, arp_timer;
/* To prevent compiler warnings. */
( void ) pvParameters;
/* Initialise the uIP stack. */
timer_set( &periodic_timer, configTICK_RATE_HZ / 2 );
timer_set( &arp_timer, configTICK_RATE_HZ * 10 );
uip_ipaddr( xIPAddr, configIP_ADDR0, configIP_ADDR1, configIP_ADDR2, configIP_ADDR3 );
uip_sethostaddr( xIPAddr );
/* Initialise the WEB server. */
/* Initialise the Ethernet controller peripheral. */
for( ;; )
/* Is there received data ready to be processed? */
uip_len = usFECGetRxedData();
if( uip_len > 0 )
/* Standard uIP loop taken from the uIP manual. */
if( xHeader->type == htons( UIP_ETHTYPE_IP ) )
/* If the above function invocation resulted in data that
should be sent out on the network, the global variable
uip_len is set to a value > 0. */
if( uip_len > 0 )
/* If we are not sending data then let the FEC driver know
the buffer is no longer required. */
else if( xHeader->type == htons( UIP_ETHTYPE_ARP ) )
/* If the above function invocation resulted in data that
should be sent out on the network, the global variable
uip_len is set to a value > 0. */
if( uip_len > 0 )
/* If we are not sending data then let the FEC driver know
the buffer is no longer required. */
/* If we are not sending data then let the FEC driver know
the buffer is no longer required. */
if( timer_expired( &periodic_timer ) )
timer_reset( &periodic_timer );
for( i = 0; i < UIP_CONNS; i++ )
uip_periodic( i );
/* If the above function invocation resulted in data that
should be sent out on the network, the global variable
uip_len is set to a value > 0. */
if( uip_len > 0 )
/* Call the ARP timer function every 10 seconds. */
if( timer_expired( &arp_timer ) )
timer_reset( &arp_timer );
/* We did not receive a packet, and there was no periodic
processing to perform. Block for a fixed period. If a packet
is received during this period we will be woken by the ISR
giving us the Semaphore. */
xSemaphoreTake( xFECSemaphore, configTICK_RATE_HZ / 2 );