* FreeRTOS + TCP V2 .0 .3
* Copyright ( C ) 2017 Amazon . com , Inc . or its affiliates . All Rights Reserved .
* Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files ( the " Software " ) , to deal in
* the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights to
* use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense , and / or sell copies of
* the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so ,
* subject to the following conditions :
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software .
* http : //aws.amazon.com/freertos
* http : //www.FreeRTOS.org
/* Standard includes. */
# include <stdint.h>
/* FreeRTOS includes. */
# include "FreeRTOS.h"
# include "task.h"
# include "queue.h"
# include "list.h"
# include "semphr.h"
/* FreeRTOS+TCP includes. */
# include "FreeRTOS_IP.h"
# include "FreeRTOS_Sockets.h"
# include "FreeRTOS_IP_Private.h"
# include "FreeRTOS_UDP_IP.h"
# include "FreeRTOS_DNS.h"
# include "NetworkBufferManagement.h"
# include "NetworkInterface.h"
# include "IPTraceMacroDefaults.h"
/* Exclude the entire file if DNS is not enabled. */
# if( ipconfigUSE_DNS != 0 )
# define dnsDNS_PORT 0x3500u
# define dnsONE_QUESTION 0x0100u
# define dnsOUTGOING_FLAGS 0x0001u /* Standard query. */
# define dnsRX_FLAGS_MASK 0x0f80u /* The bits of interest in the flags field of incoming DNS messages. */
# define dnsEXPECTED_RX_FLAGS 0x0080u /* Should be a response, without any errors. */
# else
# define dnsDNS_PORT 0x0035u
# define dnsONE_QUESTION 0x0001u
# define dnsOUTGOING_FLAGS 0x0100u /* Standard query. */
# define dnsRX_FLAGS_MASK 0x800fu /* The bits of interest in the flags field of incoming DNS messages. */
# define dnsEXPECTED_RX_FLAGS 0x8000u /* Should be a response, without any errors. */
# endif /* ipconfigBYTE_ORDER */
/* The maximum number of times a DNS request should be sent out if a response
is not received , before giving up . */
# ifndef ipconfigDNS_REQUEST_ATTEMPTS
# define ipconfigDNS_REQUEST_ATTEMPTS 5
# endif
/* If the top two bits in the first character of a name field are set then the
name field is an offset to the string , rather than the string itself . */
# define dnsNAME_IS_OFFSET ( ( uint8_t ) 0xc0 )
/* NBNS flags. */
# define dnsNBNS_FLAGS_RESPONSE 0x8000u
# define dnsNBNS_FLAGS_OPCODE_MASK 0x7800u
# define dnsNBNS_FLAGS_OPCODE_QUERY 0x0000u
/* Host types. */
# define dnsTYPE_A_HOST 0x0001u
# define dnsCLASS_IN 0x0001u
/* LLMNR constants. */
# define dnsLLMNR_TTL_VALUE 300000u
# define dnsLLMNR_FLAGS_IS_REPONSE 0x8000u
/* NBNS constants. */
# define dnsNBNS_TTL_VALUE 3600u /* 1 hour valid */
# define dnsNBNS_TYPE_NET_BIOS 0x0020u
# define dnsNBNS_CLASS_IN 0x0001u
# define dnsNBNS_NAME_FLAGS 0x6000u
/* If the queried NBNS name matches with the device's name,
the query will be responded to with these flags : */
# define dnsNBNS_QUERY_RESPONSE_FLAGS 0x8500u
* Create a socket and bind it to the standard DNS port number . Return the
* the created socket - or NULL if the socket could not be created or bound .
static Socket_t prvCreateDNSSocket ( void ) ;
* Create the DNS message in the zero copy buffer passed in the first parameter .
static size_t prvCreateDNSMessage ( uint8_t * pucUDPPayloadBuffer , const char * pcHostName , TickType_t xIdentifier ) ;
* Simple routine that jumps over the NAME field of a resource record .
static uint8_t * prvSkipNameField ( uint8_t * pucByte ) ;
* Process a response packet from a DNS server .
static uint32_t prvParseDNSReply ( uint8_t * pucUDPPayloadBuffer , TickType_t xIdentifier ) ;
* Prepare and send a message to a DNS server . ' xReadTimeOut_ms ' will be passed as
* zero , in case the user has supplied a call - back function .
static uint32_t prvGetHostByName ( const char * pcHostName , TickType_t xIdentifier , TickType_t xReadTimeOut_ms ) ;
* The NBNS and the LLMNR protocol share this reply function .
# if( ( ipconfigUSE_NBNS == 1 ) || ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) )
static void prvReplyDNSMessage ( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer , BaseType_t lNetLength ) ;
# endif
# if( ipconfigUSE_NBNS == 1 )
static portINLINE void prvTreatNBNS ( uint8_t * pucUDPPayloadBuffer , uint32_t ulIPAddress ) ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_NBNS */
# if( ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE == 1 )
static uint8_t * prvReadNameField ( uint8_t * pucByte , char * pcName , BaseType_t xLen ) ;
static void prvProcessDNSCache ( const char * pcName , uint32_t * pulIP , BaseType_t xLookUp ) ;
typedef struct xDNS_CACHE_TABLE_ROW
uint32_t ulIPAddress ; /* The IP address of an ARP cache entry. */
char pcName [ ipconfigDNS_CACHE_NAME_LENGTH ] ; /* The name of the host */
uint8_t ucAge ; /* A value that is periodically decremented but can also be refreshed by active communication. The ARP cache entry is removed if the value reaches zero. */
} DNSCacheRow_t ;
static DNSCacheRow_t xDNSCache [ ipconfigDNS_CACHE_ENTRIES ] ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE == 1 */
# if( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 )
const MACAddress_t xLLMNR_MacAdress = { { 0x01 , 0x00 , 0x5e , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0xfc } } ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 */
# include "pack_struct_start.h"
struct xDNSMessage
uint16_t usIdentifier ;
uint16_t usFlags ;
uint16_t usQuestions ;
uint16_t usAnswers ;
uint16_t usAuthorityRRs ;
uint16_t usAdditionalRRs ;
# include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xDNSMessage DNSMessage_t ;
/* A DNS query consists of a header, as described in 'struct xDNSMessage'
It is followed by 1 or more queries , each one consisting of a name and a tail ,
with two fields : type and class
# include "pack_struct_start.h"
struct xDNSTail
uint16_t usType ;
uint16_t usClass ;
# include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xDNSTail DNSTail_t ;
# if( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 )
# include "pack_struct_start.h"
struct xLLMNRAnswer
uint8_t ucNameCode ;
uint8_t ucNameOffset ; /* The name is not repeated in the answer, only the offset is given with "0xc0 <offs>" */
uint16_t usType ;
uint16_t usClass ;
uint32_t ulTTL ;
uint16_t usDataLength ;
uint32_t ulIPAddress ;
# include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xLLMNRAnswer LLMNRAnswer_t ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 */
# if( ipconfigUSE_NBNS == 1 )
# include "pack_struct_start.h"
struct xNBNSRequest
uint16_t usRequestId ;
uint16_t usFlags ;
uint16_t ulRequestCount ;
uint16_t usAnswerRSS ;
uint16_t usAuthRSS ;
uint16_t usAdditionalRSS ;
uint8_t ucNameSpace ;
uint8_t ucName [ dnsNBNS_ENCODED_NAME_LENGTH ] ;
uint8_t ucNameZero ;
uint16_t usType ;
uint16_t usClass ;
# include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xNBNSRequest NBNSRequest_t ;
# include "pack_struct_start.h"
struct xNBNSAnswer
uint16_t usType ;
uint16_t usClass ;
uint32_t ulTTL ;
uint16_t usDataLength ;
uint16_t usNbFlags ; /* NetBIOS flags 0x6000 : IP-address, big-endian */
uint32_t ulIPAddress ;
# include "pack_struct_end.h"
typedef struct xNBNSAnswer NBNSAnswer_t ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_NBNS == 1 */
# if( ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE == 1 )
uint32_t FreeRTOS_dnslookup ( const char * pcHostName )
uint32_t ulIPAddress = 0UL ;
prvProcessDNSCache ( pcHostName , & ulIPAddress , pdTRUE ) ;
return ulIPAddress ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE == 1 */
# if( ipconfigDNS_USE_CALLBACKS != 0 )
typedef struct xDNS_Callback {
TickType_t xRemaningTime ; /* Timeout in ms */
FOnDNSEvent pCallbackFunction ; /* Function to be called when the address has been found or when a timeout has beeen reached */
TimeOut_t xTimeoutState ;
void * pvSearchID ;
struct xLIST_ITEM xListItem ;
char pcName [ 1 ] ;
} DNSCallback_t ;
static List_t xCallbackList ;
/* Define FreeRTOS_gethostbyname() as a normal blocking call. */
uint32_t FreeRTOS_gethostbyname ( const char * pcHostName )
return FreeRTOS_gethostbyname_a ( pcHostName , ( FOnDNSEvent ) NULL , ( void * ) NULL , 0 ) ;
/* Initialise the list of call-back structures. */
void vDNSInitialise ( void ) ;
void vDNSInitialise ( void )
vListInitialise ( & xCallbackList ) ;
/* Iterate through the list of call-back structures and remove
old entries which have reached a timeout .
As soon as the list hase become empty , the DNS timer will be stopped
In case pvSearchID is supplied , the user wants to cancel a DNS request
void vDNSCheckCallBack ( void * pvSearchID ) ;
void vDNSCheckCallBack ( void * pvSearchID )
const ListItem_t * pxIterator ;
const MiniListItem_t * xEnd = ( const MiniListItem_t * ) listGET_END_MARKER ( & xCallbackList ) ;
vTaskSuspendAll ( ) ;
for ( pxIterator = ( const ListItem_t * ) listGET_NEXT ( xEnd ) ;
pxIterator ! = ( const ListItem_t * ) xEnd ;
DNSCallback_t * pxCallback = ( DNSCallback_t * ) listGET_LIST_ITEM_OWNER ( pxIterator ) ;
/* Move to the next item because we might remove this item */
pxIterator = ( const ListItem_t * ) listGET_NEXT ( pxIterator ) ;
if ( ( pvSearchID ! = NULL ) & & ( pvSearchID = = pxCallback - > pvSearchID ) )
uxListRemove ( & pxCallback - > xListItem ) ;
vPortFree ( pxCallback ) ;
else if ( xTaskCheckForTimeOut ( & pxCallback - > xTimeoutState , & pxCallback - > xRemaningTime ) ! = pdFALSE )
pxCallback - > pCallbackFunction ( pxCallback - > pcName , pxCallback - > pvSearchID , 0 ) ;
uxListRemove ( & pxCallback - > xListItem ) ;
vPortFree ( ( void * ) pxCallback ) ;
xTaskResumeAll ( ) ;
if ( listLIST_IS_EMPTY ( & xCallbackList ) )
vIPSetDnsTimerEnableState ( pdFALSE ) ;
void FreeRTOS_gethostbyname_cancel ( void * pvSearchID )
/* _HT_ Should better become a new API call to have the IP-task remove the callback */
vDNSCheckCallBack ( pvSearchID ) ;
/* FreeRTOS_gethostbyname_a() was called along with callback parameters.
Store them in a list for later reference . */
static void vDNSSetCallBack ( const char * pcHostName , void * pvSearchID , FOnDNSEvent pCallbackFunction , TickType_t xTimeout , TickType_t xIdentifier ) ;
static void vDNSSetCallBack ( const char * pcHostName , void * pvSearchID , FOnDNSEvent pCallbackFunction , TickType_t xTimeout , TickType_t xIdentifier )
size_t lLength = strlen ( pcHostName ) ;
DNSCallback_t * pxCallback = ( DNSCallback_t * ) pvPortMalloc ( sizeof ( * pxCallback ) + lLength ) ;
/* Translate from ms to number of clock ticks. */
xTimeout / = portTICK_PERIOD_MS ;
if ( pxCallback ! = NULL )
if ( listLIST_IS_EMPTY ( & xCallbackList ) )
/* This is the first one, start the DNS timer to check for timeouts */
vIPReloadDNSTimer ( FreeRTOS_min_uint32 ( 1000U , xTimeout ) ) ;
strcpy ( pxCallback - > pcName , pcHostName ) ;
pxCallback - > pCallbackFunction = pCallbackFunction ;
pxCallback - > pvSearchID = pvSearchID ;
pxCallback - > xRemaningTime = xTimeout ;
vTaskSetTimeOutState ( & pxCallback - > xTimeoutState ) ;
listSET_LIST_ITEM_OWNER ( & ( pxCallback - > xListItem ) , ( void * ) pxCallback ) ;
listSET_LIST_ITEM_VALUE ( & ( pxCallback - > xListItem ) , xIdentifier ) ;
vTaskSuspendAll ( ) ;
vListInsertEnd ( & xCallbackList , & pxCallback - > xListItem ) ;
xTaskResumeAll ( ) ;
/* A DNS reply was received, see if there is any matching entry and
call the handler . */
static void vDNSDoCallback ( TickType_t xIdentifier , const char * pcName , uint32_t ulIPAddress ) ;
static void vDNSDoCallback ( TickType_t xIdentifier , const char * pcName , uint32_t ulIPAddress )
const ListItem_t * pxIterator ;
const MiniListItem_t * xEnd = ( const MiniListItem_t * ) listGET_END_MARKER ( & xCallbackList ) ;
vTaskSuspendAll ( ) ;
for ( pxIterator = ( const ListItem_t * ) listGET_NEXT ( xEnd ) ;
pxIterator ! = ( const ListItem_t * ) xEnd ;
pxIterator = ( const ListItem_t * ) listGET_NEXT ( pxIterator ) )
if ( listGET_LIST_ITEM_VALUE ( pxIterator ) = = xIdentifier )
DNSCallback_t * pxCallback = ( DNSCallback_t * ) listGET_LIST_ITEM_OWNER ( pxIterator ) ;
pxCallback - > pCallbackFunction ( pcName , pxCallback - > pvSearchID , ulIPAddress ) ;
uxListRemove ( & pxCallback - > xListItem ) ;
vPortFree ( pxCallback ) ;
if ( listLIST_IS_EMPTY ( & xCallbackList ) )
vIPSetDnsTimerEnableState ( pdFALSE ) ;
break ;
xTaskResumeAll ( ) ;
# endif /* ipconfigDNS_USE_CALLBACKS != 0 */
# if( ipconfigDNS_USE_CALLBACKS == 0 )
uint32_t FreeRTOS_gethostbyname ( const char * pcHostName )
# else
uint32_t FreeRTOS_gethostbyname_a ( const char * pcHostName , FOnDNSEvent pCallback , void * pvSearchID , TickType_t xTimeout )
# endif
uint32_t ulIPAddress = 0UL ;
static uint16_t usIdentifier = 0u ;
TickType_t xReadTimeOut_ms = 1200U ;
/* Generate a unique identifier for this query. Keep it in a local variable
as gethostbyname ( ) may be called from different threads */
TickType_t xIdentifier = ( TickType_t ) usIdentifier + + ;
/* If the supplied hostname is IP address, convert it to uint32_t
and return . */
# if( ipconfigINCLUDE_FULL_INET_ADDR == 1 )
ulIPAddress = FreeRTOS_inet_addr ( pcHostName ) ;
# endif /* ipconfigINCLUDE_FULL_INET_ADDR == 1 */
/* If a DNS cache is used then check the cache before issuing another DNS
request . */
# if( ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE == 1 )
if ( ulIPAddress = = 0UL )
ulIPAddress = FreeRTOS_dnslookup ( pcHostName ) ;
if ( ulIPAddress ! = 0 )
FreeRTOS_debug_printf ( ( " FreeRTOS_gethostbyname: found '%s' in cache: %lxip \n " , pcHostName , ulIPAddress ) ) ;
/* prvGetHostByName will be called to start a DNS lookup */
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE == 1 */
# if( ipconfigDNS_USE_CALLBACKS != 0 )
if ( pCallback ! = NULL )
if ( ulIPAddress = = 0UL )
/* The user has provided a callback function, so do not block on recvfrom() */
xReadTimeOut_ms = 0 ;
vDNSSetCallBack ( pcHostName , pvSearchID , pCallback , xTimeout , ( TickType_t ) xIdentifier ) ;
/* The IP address is known, do the call-back now. */
pCallback ( pcHostName , pvSearchID , ulIPAddress ) ;
# endif
if ( ulIPAddress = = 0UL )
ulIPAddress = prvGetHostByName ( pcHostName , xIdentifier , xReadTimeOut_ms ) ;
return ulIPAddress ;
static uint32_t prvGetHostByName ( const char * pcHostName , TickType_t xIdentifier , TickType_t xReadTimeOut_ms )
struct freertos_sockaddr xAddress ;
Socket_t xDNSSocket ;
uint32_t ulIPAddress = 0UL ;
uint8_t * pucUDPPayloadBuffer ;
uint32_t ulAddressLength = sizeof ( struct freertos_sockaddr ) ;
BaseType_t xAttempt ;
int32_t lBytes ;
size_t xPayloadLength , xExpectedPayloadLength ;
TickType_t xWriteTimeOut_ms = 100U ;
# if( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 )
BaseType_t bHasDot = pdFALSE ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 */
/* If LLMNR is being used then determine if the host name includes a '.' -
if not then LLMNR can be used as the lookup method . */
# if( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 )
const char * pucPtr ;
for ( pucPtr = pcHostName ; * pucPtr ; pucPtr + + )
if ( * pucPtr = = ' . ' )
bHasDot = pdTRUE ;
break ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 */
/* Two is added at the end for the count of characters in the first
subdomain part and the string end byte . */
xExpectedPayloadLength = sizeof ( DNSMessage_t ) + strlen ( pcHostName ) + sizeof ( uint16_t ) + sizeof ( uint16_t ) + 2u ;
xDNSSocket = prvCreateDNSSocket ( ) ;
if ( xDNSSocket ! = NULL )
FreeRTOS_setsockopt ( xDNSSocket , 0 , FREERTOS_SO_SNDTIMEO , ( void * ) & xWriteTimeOut_ms , sizeof ( TickType_t ) ) ;
FreeRTOS_setsockopt ( xDNSSocket , 0 , FREERTOS_SO_RCVTIMEO , ( void * ) & xReadTimeOut_ms , sizeof ( TickType_t ) ) ;
for ( xAttempt = 0 ; xAttempt < ipconfigDNS_REQUEST_ATTEMPTS ; xAttempt + + )
/* Get a buffer. This uses a maximum delay, but the delay will be
capped to ipconfigUDP_MAX_SEND_BLOCK_TIME_TICKS so the return value
still needs to be tested . */
pucUDPPayloadBuffer = ( uint8_t * ) FreeRTOS_GetUDPPayloadBuffer ( xExpectedPayloadLength , portMAX_DELAY ) ;
if ( pucUDPPayloadBuffer ! = NULL )
/* Create the message in the obtained buffer. */
xPayloadLength = prvCreateDNSMessage ( pucUDPPayloadBuffer , pcHostName , xIdentifier ) ;
/* Obtain the DNS server address. */
FreeRTOS_GetAddressConfiguration ( NULL , NULL , NULL , & ulIPAddress ) ;
/* Send the DNS message. */
# if( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 )
if ( bHasDot = = pdFALSE )
/* Use LLMNR addressing. */
( ( DNSMessage_t * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer ) - > usFlags = 0 ;
xAddress . sin_addr = ipLLMNR_IP_ADDR ; /* Is in network byte order. */
xAddress . sin_port = FreeRTOS_ntohs ( ipLLMNR_PORT ) ;
# endif
/* Use DNS server. */
xAddress . sin_addr = ulIPAddress ;
xAddress . sin_port = dnsDNS_PORT ;
ulIPAddress = 0UL ;
if ( FreeRTOS_sendto ( xDNSSocket , pucUDPPayloadBuffer , xPayloadLength , FREERTOS_ZERO_COPY , & xAddress , sizeof ( xAddress ) ) ! = 0 )
/* Wait for the reply. */
lBytes = FreeRTOS_recvfrom ( xDNSSocket , & pucUDPPayloadBuffer , 0 , FREERTOS_ZERO_COPY , & xAddress , & ulAddressLength ) ;
if ( lBytes > 0 )
/* The reply was received. Process it. */
ulIPAddress = prvParseDNSReply ( pucUDPPayloadBuffer , xIdentifier ) ;
/* Finished with the buffer. The zero copy interface
is being used , so the buffer must be freed by the
task . */
FreeRTOS_ReleaseUDPPayloadBuffer ( ( void * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer ) ;
if ( ulIPAddress ! = 0UL )
/* All done. */
break ;
/* The message was not sent so the stack will not be
releasing the zero copy - it must be released here . */
FreeRTOS_ReleaseUDPPayloadBuffer ( ( void * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer ) ;
/* Finished with the socket. */
FreeRTOS_closesocket ( xDNSSocket ) ;
return ulIPAddress ;
static size_t prvCreateDNSMessage ( uint8_t * pucUDPPayloadBuffer , const char * pcHostName , TickType_t xIdentifier )
DNSMessage_t * pxDNSMessageHeader ;
uint8_t * pucStart , * pucByte ;
DNSTail_t * pxTail ;
static const DNSMessage_t xDefaultPartDNSHeader =
0 , /* The identifier will be overwritten. */
dnsOUTGOING_FLAGS , /* Flags set for standard query. */
dnsONE_QUESTION , /* One question is being asked. */
0 , /* No replies are included. */
0 , /* No authorities. */
0 /* No additional authorities. */
} ;
/* Copy in the const part of the header. */
memcpy ( ( void * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer , ( void * ) & xDefaultPartDNSHeader , sizeof ( xDefaultPartDNSHeader ) ) ;
/* Write in a unique identifier. */
pxDNSMessageHeader = ( DNSMessage_t * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer ;
pxDNSMessageHeader - > usIdentifier = ( uint16_t ) xIdentifier ;
/* Create the resource record at the end of the header. First
find the end of the header . */
pucStart = pucUDPPayloadBuffer + sizeof ( xDefaultPartDNSHeader ) ;
/* Leave a gap for the first length bytes. */
pucByte = pucStart + 1 ;
/* Copy in the host name. */
strcpy ( ( char * ) pucByte , pcHostName ) ;
/* Mark the end of the string. */
pucByte + = strlen ( pcHostName ) ;
* pucByte = 0x00u ;
/* Walk the string to replace the '.' characters with byte counts.
pucStart holds the address of the byte count . Walking the string
starts after the byte count position . */
pucByte = pucStart ;
pucByte + + ;
while ( ( * pucByte ! = 0x00 ) & & ( * pucByte ! = ' . ' ) )
pucByte + + ;
/* Fill in the byte count, then move the pucStart pointer up to
the found byte position . */
* pucStart = ( uint8_t ) ( ( uint32_t ) pucByte - ( uint32_t ) pucStart ) ;
( * pucStart ) - - ;
pucStart = pucByte ;
} while ( * pucByte ! = 0x00 ) ;
/* Finish off the record. */
pxTail = ( DNSTail_t * ) ( pucByte + 1 ) ;
vSetField16 ( pxTail , DNSTail_t , usType , dnsTYPE_A_HOST ) ; /* Type A: host */
vSetField16 ( pxTail , DNSTail_t , usClass , dnsCLASS_IN ) ; /* 1: Class IN */
/* Return the total size of the generated message, which is the space from
the last written byte to the beginning of the buffer . */
return ( ( uint32_t ) pucByte - ( uint32_t ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer + 1 ) + sizeof ( * pxTail ) ;
# if( ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE == 1 )
static uint8_t * prvReadNameField ( uint8_t * pucByte , char * pcName , BaseType_t xLen )
BaseType_t xNameLen = 0 ;
/* Determine if the name is the fully coded name, or an offset to the name
elsewhere in the message . */
if ( ( * pucByte & dnsNAME_IS_OFFSET ) = = dnsNAME_IS_OFFSET )
/* Jump over the two byte offset. */
pucByte + = sizeof ( uint16_t ) ;
/* pucByte points to the full name. Walk over the string. */
while ( * pucByte ! = 0x00 )
BaseType_t xCount ;
if ( xNameLen & & xNameLen < xLen - 1 )
pcName [ xNameLen + + ] = ' . ' ;
for ( xCount = * ( pucByte + + ) ; xCount - - ; pucByte + + )
if ( xNameLen < xLen - 1 )
pcName [ xNameLen + + ] = * ( ( char * ) pucByte ) ;
pucByte + + ;
return pucByte ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE == 1 */
static uint8_t * prvSkipNameField ( uint8_t * pucByte )
/* Determine if the name is the fully coded name, or an offset to the name
elsewhere in the message . */
if ( ( * pucByte & dnsNAME_IS_OFFSET ) = = dnsNAME_IS_OFFSET )
/* Jump over the two byte offset. */
pucByte + = sizeof ( uint16_t ) ;
/* pucByte points to the full name. Walk over the string. */
while ( * pucByte ! = 0x00 )
/* The number of bytes to jump for each name section is stored in the byte
before the name section . */
pucByte + = ( * pucByte + 1 ) ;
pucByte + + ;
return pucByte ;
uint32_t ulDNSHandlePacket ( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer )
uint8_t * pucUDPPayloadBuffer = pxNetworkBuffer - > pucEthernetBuffer + sizeof ( UDPPacket_t ) ;
DNSMessage_t * pxDNSMessageHeader = ( DNSMessage_t * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer ;
prvParseDNSReply ( pucUDPPayloadBuffer , ( uint32_t ) pxDNSMessageHeader - > usIdentifier ) ;
/* The packet was not consumed. */
return pdFAIL ;
# if( ipconfigUSE_NBNS == 1 )
uint32_t ulNBNSHandlePacket ( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer )
UDPPacket_t * pxUDPPacket = ( UDPPacket_t * ) pxNetworkBuffer - > pucEthernetBuffer ;
uint8_t * pucUDPPayloadBuffer = pxNetworkBuffer - > pucEthernetBuffer + sizeof ( * pxUDPPacket ) ;
prvTreatNBNS ( pucUDPPayloadBuffer , pxUDPPacket - > xIPHeader . ulSourceIPAddress ) ;
/* The packet was not consumed. */
return pdFAIL ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_NBNS */
static uint32_t prvParseDNSReply ( uint8_t * pucUDPPayloadBuffer , TickType_t xIdentifier )
DNSMessage_t * pxDNSMessageHeader ;
uint32_t ulIPAddress = 0UL ;
# if( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 )
char * pcRequestedName = NULL ;
# endif
uint8_t * pucByte ;
uint16_t x , usDataLength , usQuestions ;
# if( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 )
uint16_t usType = 0 , usClass = 0 ;
# endif
# if( ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE == 1 )
char pcName [ 128 ] = " " ; /*_RB_ What is the significance of 128? Probably too big to go on the stack for a small MCU but don't know how else it could be made re-entrant. Might be necessary. */
# endif
pxDNSMessageHeader = ( DNSMessage_t * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer ;
if ( pxDNSMessageHeader - > usIdentifier = = ( uint16_t ) xIdentifier )
/* Start at the first byte after the header. */
pucByte = pucUDPPayloadBuffer + sizeof ( DNSMessage_t ) ;
/* Skip any question records. */
usQuestions = FreeRTOS_ntohs ( pxDNSMessageHeader - > usQuestions ) ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < usQuestions ; x + + )
# if( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 )
if ( x = = 0 )
pcRequestedName = ( char * ) pucByte ;
# endif
# if( ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE == 1 )
if ( x = = 0 )
pucByte = prvReadNameField ( pucByte , pcName , sizeof ( pcName ) ) ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE */
/* Skip the variable length pcName field. */
pucByte = prvSkipNameField ( pucByte ) ;
# if( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 )
/* usChar2u16 returns value in host endianness. */
usType = usChar2u16 ( pucByte ) ;
usClass = usChar2u16 ( pucByte + 2 ) ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR */
/* Skip the type and class fields. */
pucByte + = sizeof ( uint32_t ) ;
/* Search through the answers records. */
pxDNSMessageHeader - > usAnswers = FreeRTOS_ntohs ( pxDNSMessageHeader - > usAnswers ) ;
if ( ( pxDNSMessageHeader - > usFlags & dnsRX_FLAGS_MASK ) = = dnsEXPECTED_RX_FLAGS )
for ( x = 0 ; x < pxDNSMessageHeader - > usAnswers ; x + + )
pucByte = prvSkipNameField ( pucByte ) ;
/* Is the type field that of an A record? */
if ( usChar2u16 ( pucByte ) = = dnsTYPE_A_HOST )
/* This is the required record. Skip the type, class, and
time to live fields , plus the first byte of the data
length . */
pucByte + = ( sizeof ( uint32_t ) + sizeof ( uint32_t ) + sizeof ( uint8_t ) ) ;
/* Sanity check the data length. */
if ( ( size_t ) * pucByte = = sizeof ( uint32_t ) )
/* Skip the second byte of the length. */
pucByte + + ;
/* Copy the IP address out of the record. */
memcpy ( ( void * ) & ulIPAddress , ( void * ) pucByte , sizeof ( uint32_t ) ) ;
# if( ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE == 1 )
prvProcessDNSCache ( pcName , & ulIPAddress , pdFALSE ) ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE */
# if( ipconfigDNS_USE_CALLBACKS != 0 )
/* See if any asynchronous call was made to FreeRTOS_gethostbyname_a() */
vDNSDoCallback ( ( TickType_t ) pxDNSMessageHeader - > usIdentifier , pcName , ulIPAddress ) ;
# endif /* ipconfigDNS_USE_CALLBACKS != 0 */
break ;
/* Skip the type, class and time to live fields. */
pucByte + = ( sizeof ( uint32_t ) + sizeof ( uint32_t ) ) ;
/* Determine the length of the data in the field. */
memcpy ( ( void * ) & usDataLength , ( void * ) pucByte , sizeof ( uint16_t ) ) ;
usDataLength = FreeRTOS_ntohs ( usDataLength ) ;
/* Jump over the data length bytes, and the data itself. */
pucByte + = usDataLength + sizeof ( uint16_t ) ;
# if( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 )
else if ( ( usQuestions ! = ( uint16_t ) 0u ) & & ( usType = = ( uint16_t ) dnsTYPE_A_HOST ) & & ( usClass = = ( uint16_t ) dnsCLASS_IN ) )
/* If this is not a reply to our DNS request, it might an LLMNR
request . */
if ( xApplicationDNSQueryHook ( ( pcRequestedName + 1 ) ) )
int16_t usLength ;
NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNewBuffer = NULL ;
NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer = pxUDPPayloadBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer ( pucUDPPayloadBuffer ) ;
LLMNRAnswer_t * pxAnswer ;
if ( ( xBufferAllocFixedSize = = pdFALSE ) & & ( pxNetworkBuffer ! = NULL ) )
BaseType_t xDataLength = pxNetworkBuffer - > xDataLength + sizeof ( UDPHeader_t ) +
sizeof ( EthernetHeader_t ) + sizeof ( IPHeader_t ) ;
/* The field xDataLength was set to the length of the UDP payload.
The answer ( reply ) will be longer than the request , so the packet
must be duplicaed into a bigger buffer */
pxNetworkBuffer - > xDataLength = xDataLength ;
pxNewBuffer = pxDuplicateNetworkBufferWithDescriptor ( pxNetworkBuffer , xDataLength + 16 ) ;
if ( pxNewBuffer ! = NULL )
BaseType_t xOffset1 , xOffset2 ;
xOffset1 = ( BaseType_t ) ( pucByte - pucUDPPayloadBuffer ) ;
xOffset2 = ( BaseType_t ) ( ( ( uint8_t * ) pcRequestedName ) - pucUDPPayloadBuffer ) ;
pxNetworkBuffer = pxNewBuffer ;
pucUDPPayloadBuffer = pxNetworkBuffer - > pucEthernetBuffer + ipUDP_PAYLOAD_OFFSET_IPv4 ;
pucByte = pucUDPPayloadBuffer + xOffset1 ;
pcRequestedName = ( char * ) ( pucUDPPayloadBuffer + xOffset2 ) ;
pxDNSMessageHeader = ( DNSMessage_t * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer ;
/* Just to indicate that the message may not be answered. */
pxNetworkBuffer = NULL ;
if ( pxNetworkBuffer ! = NULL )
pxAnswer = ( LLMNRAnswer_t * ) pucByte ;
/* Leave 'usIdentifier' and 'usQuestions' untouched. */
vSetField16 ( pxDNSMessageHeader , DNSMessage_t , usFlags , dnsLLMNR_FLAGS_IS_REPONSE ) ; /* Set the response flag */
vSetField16 ( pxDNSMessageHeader , DNSMessage_t , usAnswers , 1 ) ; /* Provide a single answer */
vSetField16 ( pxDNSMessageHeader , DNSMessage_t , usAuthorityRRs , 0 ) ; /* No authority */
vSetField16 ( pxDNSMessageHeader , DNSMessage_t , usAdditionalRRs , 0 ) ; /* No additional info */
pxAnswer - > ucNameCode = dnsNAME_IS_OFFSET ;
pxAnswer - > ucNameOffset = ( uint8_t ) ( pcRequestedName - ( char * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer ) ;
vSetField16 ( pxAnswer , LLMNRAnswer_t , usType , dnsTYPE_A_HOST ) ; /* Type A: host */
vSetField16 ( pxAnswer , LLMNRAnswer_t , usClass , dnsCLASS_IN ) ; /* 1: Class IN */
vSetField32 ( pxAnswer , LLMNRAnswer_t , ulTTL , dnsLLMNR_TTL_VALUE ) ;
vSetField16 ( pxAnswer , LLMNRAnswer_t , usDataLength , 4 ) ;
vSetField32 ( pxAnswer , LLMNRAnswer_t , ulIPAddress , FreeRTOS_ntohl ( * ipLOCAL_IP_ADDRESS_POINTER ) ) ;
usLength = ( int16_t ) ( sizeof ( * pxAnswer ) + ( size_t ) ( pucByte - pucUDPPayloadBuffer ) ) ;
prvReplyDNSMessage ( pxNetworkBuffer , usLength ) ;
if ( pxNewBuffer ! = NULL )
vReleaseNetworkBufferAndDescriptor ( pxNewBuffer ) ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 */
return ulIPAddress ;
# if( ipconfigUSE_NBNS == 1 )
static void prvTreatNBNS ( uint8_t * pucUDPPayloadBuffer , uint32_t ulIPAddress )
uint16_t usFlags , usType , usClass ;
uint8_t * pucSource , * pucTarget ;
uint8_t ucByte ;
uint8_t ucNBNSName [ 17 ] ;
usFlags = usChar2u16 ( pucUDPPayloadBuffer + offsetof ( NBNSRequest_t , usFlags ) ) ;
usType = usChar2u16 ( pucUDPPayloadBuffer + offsetof ( NBNSRequest_t , usType ) ) ;
usClass = usChar2u16 ( pucUDPPayloadBuffer + offsetof ( NBNSRequest_t , usClass ) ) ;
/* Not used for now */
( void ) usClass ;
/* For NBNS a name is 16 bytes long, written with capitals only.
Make sure that the copy is terminated with a zero . */
pucTarget = ucNBNSName + sizeof ( ucNBNSName ) - 2 ;
pucTarget [ 1 ] = ' \0 ' ;
/* Start with decoding the last 2 bytes. */
pucSource = pucUDPPayloadBuffer + ( offsetof ( NBNSRequest_t , ucName ) + ( dnsNBNS_ENCODED_NAME_LENGTH - 2 ) ) ;
for ( ; ; )
ucByte = ( uint8_t ) ( ( ( pucSource [ 0 ] - 0x41 ) < < 4 ) | ( pucSource [ 1 ] - 0x41 ) ) ;
/* Make sure there are no trailing spaces in the name. */
if ( ( ucByte = = ' ' ) & & ( pucTarget [ 1 ] = = ' \0 ' ) )
ucByte = ' \0 ' ;
* pucTarget = ucByte ;
if ( pucTarget = = ucNBNSName )
break ;
pucTarget - = 1 ;
pucSource - = 2 ;
# if( ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE == 1 )
if ( ( usFlags & dnsNBNS_FLAGS_RESPONSE ) ! = 0 )
/* If this is a response from another device,
add the name to the DNS cache */
prvProcessDNSCache ( ( char * ) ucNBNSName , & ulIPAddress , pdFALSE ) ;
# else
/* Avoid compiler warnings. */
( void ) ulIPAddress ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE */
if ( ( ( usFlags & dnsNBNS_FLAGS_RESPONSE ) = = 0 ) & &
( usType = = dnsNBNS_TYPE_NET_BIOS ) & &
( xApplicationDNSQueryHook ( ( const char * ) ucNBNSName ) ! = pdFALSE ) )
uint16_t usLength ;
DNSMessage_t * pxMessage ;
NBNSAnswer_t * pxAnswer ;
/* Someone is looking for a device with ucNBNSName,
prepare a positive reply . */
NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer = pxUDPPayloadBuffer_to_NetworkBuffer ( pucUDPPayloadBuffer ) ;
if ( ( xBufferAllocFixedSize = = pdFALSE ) & & ( pxNetworkBuffer ! = NULL ) )
NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNewBuffer ;
BaseType_t xDataLength = pxNetworkBuffer - > xDataLength + sizeof ( UDPHeader_t ) +
sizeof ( EthernetHeader_t ) + sizeof ( IPHeader_t ) ;
/* The field xDataLength was set to the length of the UDP payload.
The answer ( reply ) will be longer than the request , so the packet
must be duplicated into a bigger buffer */
pxNetworkBuffer - > xDataLength = xDataLength ;
pxNewBuffer = pxDuplicateNetworkBufferWithDescriptor ( pxNetworkBuffer , xDataLength + 16 ) ;
if ( pxNewBuffer ! = NULL )
pucUDPPayloadBuffer = pxNewBuffer - > pucEthernetBuffer + sizeof ( UDPPacket_t ) ;
pxNetworkBuffer = pxNewBuffer ;
/* Just prevent that a reply will be sent */
pxNetworkBuffer = NULL ;
/* Should not occur: pucUDPPayloadBuffer is part of a xNetworkBufferDescriptor */
if ( pxNetworkBuffer ! = NULL )
pxMessage = ( DNSMessage_t * ) pucUDPPayloadBuffer ;
/* As the fields in the structures are not word-aligned, we have to
copy the values byte - by - byte using macro ' s vSetField16 ( ) and vSetField32 ( ) */
vSetField16 ( pxMessage , DNSMessage_t , usFlags , dnsNBNS_QUERY_RESPONSE_FLAGS ) ; /* 0x8500 */
vSetField16 ( pxMessage , DNSMessage_t , usQuestions , 0 ) ;
vSetField16 ( pxMessage , DNSMessage_t , usAnswers , 1 ) ;
vSetField16 ( pxMessage , DNSMessage_t , usAuthorityRRs , 0 ) ;
vSetField16 ( pxMessage , DNSMessage_t , usAdditionalRRs , 0 ) ;
pxAnswer = ( NBNSAnswer_t * ) ( pucUDPPayloadBuffer + offsetof ( NBNSRequest_t , usType ) ) ;
vSetField16 ( pxAnswer , NBNSAnswer_t , usType , usType ) ; /* Type */
vSetField16 ( pxAnswer , NBNSAnswer_t , usClass , dnsNBNS_CLASS_IN ) ; /* Class */
vSetField32 ( pxAnswer , NBNSAnswer_t , ulTTL , dnsNBNS_TTL_VALUE ) ;
vSetField16 ( pxAnswer , NBNSAnswer_t , usDataLength , 6 ) ; /* 6 bytes including the length field */
vSetField16 ( pxAnswer , NBNSAnswer_t , usNbFlags , dnsNBNS_NAME_FLAGS ) ;
vSetField32 ( pxAnswer , NBNSAnswer_t , ulIPAddress , FreeRTOS_ntohl ( * ipLOCAL_IP_ADDRESS_POINTER ) ) ;
usLength = ( uint16_t ) ( offsetof ( NBNSRequest_t , usType ) + sizeof ( NBNSAnswer_t ) ) ;
prvReplyDNSMessage ( pxNetworkBuffer , usLength ) ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_NBNS */
static Socket_t prvCreateDNSSocket ( void )
Socket_t xSocket = NULL ;
struct freertos_sockaddr xAddress ;
BaseType_t xReturn ;
TickType_t xTimeoutTime = pdMS_TO_TICKS ( 200 ) ;
/* This must be the first time this function has been called. Create
the socket . */
/* Auto bind the port. */
xAddress . sin_port = 0u ;
xReturn = FreeRTOS_bind ( xSocket , & xAddress , sizeof ( xAddress ) ) ;
/* Check the bind was successful, and clean up if not. */
if ( xReturn ! = 0 )
FreeRTOS_closesocket ( xSocket ) ;
xSocket = NULL ;
/* Set the send and receive timeouts. */
FreeRTOS_setsockopt ( xSocket , 0 , FREERTOS_SO_RCVTIMEO , ( void * ) & xTimeoutTime , sizeof ( TickType_t ) ) ;
FreeRTOS_setsockopt ( xSocket , 0 , FREERTOS_SO_SNDTIMEO , ( void * ) & xTimeoutTime , sizeof ( TickType_t ) ) ;
return xSocket ;
# if( ( ipconfigUSE_NBNS == 1 ) || ( ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 ) )
static void prvReplyDNSMessage ( NetworkBufferDescriptor_t * pxNetworkBuffer , BaseType_t lNetLength )
UDPPacket_t * pxUDPPacket ;
IPHeader_t * pxIPHeader ;
UDPHeader_t * pxUDPHeader ;
pxUDPPacket = ( UDPPacket_t * ) pxNetworkBuffer - > pucEthernetBuffer ;
pxIPHeader = & pxUDPPacket - > xIPHeader ;
pxUDPHeader = & pxUDPPacket - > xUDPHeader ;
/* HT: started using defines like 'ipSIZE_OF_xxx' */
pxIPHeader - > usLength = FreeRTOS_htons ( lNetLength + ipSIZE_OF_IPv4_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_UDP_HEADER ) ;
/* HT:endian: should not be translated, copying from packet to packet */
pxIPHeader - > ulDestinationIPAddress = pxIPHeader - > ulSourceIPAddress ;
pxIPHeader - > ulSourceIPAddress = * ipLOCAL_IP_ADDRESS_POINTER ;
pxIPHeader - > ucTimeToLive = ipconfigUDP_TIME_TO_LIVE ;
pxIPHeader - > usIdentification = FreeRTOS_htons ( usPacketIdentifier ) ;
usPacketIdentifier + + ;
pxUDPHeader - > usLength = FreeRTOS_htons ( lNetLength + ipSIZE_OF_UDP_HEADER ) ;
vFlip_16 ( pxUDPPacket - > xUDPHeader . usSourcePort , pxUDPPacket - > xUDPHeader . usDestinationPort ) ;
/* calculate the IP header checksum */
pxIPHeader - > usHeaderChecksum = 0x00 ;
pxIPHeader - > usHeaderChecksum = usGenerateChecksum ( 0UL , ( uint8_t * ) & ( pxIPHeader - > ucVersionHeaderLength ) , ipSIZE_OF_IPv4_HEADER ) ;
pxIPHeader - > usHeaderChecksum = ~ FreeRTOS_htons ( pxIPHeader - > usHeaderChecksum ) ;
/* calculate the UDP checksum for outgoing package */
usGenerateProtocolChecksum ( ( uint8_t * ) pxUDPPacket , pdTRUE ) ;
# endif
/* Important: tell NIC driver how many bytes must be sent */
pxNetworkBuffer - > xDataLength = ( size_t ) ( lNetLength + ipSIZE_OF_IPv4_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_UDP_HEADER + ipSIZE_OF_ETH_HEADER ) ;
/* This function will fill in the eth addresses and send the packet */
vReturnEthernetFrame ( pxNetworkBuffer , pdFALSE ) ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_NBNS == 1 || ipconfigUSE_LLMNR == 1 */
# if( ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE == 1 )
static void prvProcessDNSCache ( const char * pcName , uint32_t * pulIP , BaseType_t xLookUp )
BaseType_t x ;
BaseType_t xFound = pdFALSE ;
static BaseType_t xFreeEntry = 0 ;
/* For each entry in the DNS cache table. */
for ( x = 0 ; x < ipconfigDNS_CACHE_ENTRIES ; x + + )
if ( xDNSCache [ x ] . pcName [ 0 ] = = 0 )
break ;
if ( strncmp ( xDNSCache [ x ] . pcName , pcName , sizeof ( xDNSCache [ x ] . pcName ) ) = = 0 )
/* Is this function called for a lookup or to add/update an IP address? */
if ( xLookUp ! = pdFALSE )
* pulIP = xDNSCache [ x ] . ulIPAddress ;
xDNSCache [ x ] . ulIPAddress = * pulIP ;
xFound = pdTRUE ;
break ;
if ( xFound = = pdFALSE )
if ( xLookUp ! = pdFALSE )
* pulIP = 0 ;
/* Called to add or update an item */
strncpy ( xDNSCache [ xFreeEntry ] . pcName , pcName , sizeof ( xDNSCache [ xFreeEntry ] . pcName ) ) ;
xDNSCache [ xFreeEntry ] . ulIPAddress = * pulIP ;
xFreeEntry + + ;
if ( xFreeEntry = = ipconfigDNS_CACHE_ENTRIES )
xFreeEntry = 0 ;
if ( ( xLookUp = = 0 ) | | ( * pulIP ! = 0 ) )
FreeRTOS_debug_printf ( ( " prvProcessDNSCache: %s: '%s' @ %lxip \n " , xLookUp ? " look-up " : " add " , pcName , FreeRTOS_ntohl ( * pulIP ) ) ) ;
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_DNS_CACHE */
# endif /* ipconfigUSE_DNS != 0 */