data_root='data' align_dir='raw_style_data_faces' echo "STEP: start to prepare data for stylegan ..." cd $data_root if [ ! -d stylegan ]; then mkdir stylegan fi cd stylegan stylegan_data_dir=$(pwd) if [ ! -d "$(date +"%Y%m%d")" ]; then mkdir "$(date +"%Y%m%d")" fi cd "$(date +"%Y%m%d")" cp $align_dir . -r if [ -d $(echo $align_dir) ]; then cp $(echo $align_dir) . -r fi src_dir_sg=$(pwd) cd $data_root/../source outdir_sg="$(echo $stylegan_data_dir)/traindata_$(echo $stylename)_256_$(date +"%m%d")" echo $outdir_sg echo $src_dir_sg if [ ! -d "$outdir_sg" ]; then python --size 256 --out $outdir_sg $src_dir_sg fi echo "prepare data for stylegan finished!" ### train model #cd $data_root #cd stylegan #stylegan_data_dir=$(pwd) #outdir_sg="$(echo $stylegan_data_dir)/traindata_$(echo $stylename)_256_$(date +"%m%d")" #echo "STEP:start to train the style learner ..." #echo $outdir_sg #exp_name="ffhq_$(echo $stylename)_s256_id01_$(date +"%m%d")" #cd /data/vdb/qingyao/cartoon/mycode/stylegan2-pytorch #model_path=face_generation/experiment_stylegan/$(echo $exp_name)/models/ #if [ ! -f "$model_path" ]; then # CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=6 python --name $exp_name --path $outdir_sg --config config/conf_server_train_condition_shell.json #fi #### [training...] #echo "train the style learner finished!"