import os import glob import fire import torch import multiprocessing from typing import * from import tqdm from time import perf_counter from black import format_str, FileMode from import PromptDataset, PromptSample from import PromptDatasetProcessor from import stream_jsonl, LANGUAGE_TAG from import make_mmap_builder from codegeex.tokenizer import CodeGeeXTokenizer def try_format_code(code: str): # Auto-correct to PEP8 format (Change tab to 4-whitespaces; # add whitespace around some special symbols; # reformat line length < 100, etc.) try: res = format_str(code, mode=FileMode(line_length=200)) except Exception as e: res = code print(e) print("Wrong python format: {}".format(code)) return res def load_pretrain_dataset(dataset_path: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Dict: if type(dataset_path) is str: dataset_path = [dataset_path] for p in dataset_path: if not os.path.isdir(p): if p.endswith(".gz") or p.endswith(".jsonl"): print(f"loading from {p}") yield from stream_jsonl(p) else: p_list = glob.glob(p + "/*") for p_ in p_list: if p_.endswith(".gz") or p_.endswith(".jsonl"): print(f"loading from {p_}") yield from stream_jsonl(p_) def process_sample( sample: Dict, language: str=None, mode: str="pretrain", ) -> Iterable[PromptSample]: if mode == "pretrain": prompt = "" else: prompt = sample["prompt"] try: if language is not None and language in LANGUAGE_TAG.keys(): code = LANGUAGE_TAG[language] + "\n" + sample["code"] else: code = sample["code"] except Exception as e: print(e) print("The key 'code' is missing in data. Aborted") exit(0) yield PromptSample(prompt, code) def generate_prompt_samples( dataset: Iterable[Dict], language: str = None, mode: str = "pretrain", ) -> PromptDataset: for sample in dataset: yield from process_sample(sample, language, mode) def main( tokenizer_path: str, dataset_path: Union[str, List[str]], output_prefix: str, language: str = None, mode: str = "pretrain", discard_overlong: bool = False, sliding_stride: int = 200, num_workers: int = 32, seq_len: int = 2048, ): DATA_KEYS = ["input_ids", "attention_mask", "labels"] # create output dir os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_prefix), exist_ok=True) tokenizer = CodeGeeXTokenizer(tokenizer_path=tokenizer_path) pad_token_id = tokenizer.eos_token_id dataset = load_pretrain_dataset(dataset_path) prompt_dataset = generate_prompt_samples(dataset, language=language, mode=mode) if num_workers == 0: num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_workers) output_bin_files = {} output_idx_files = {} builders = {} for key in DATA_KEYS: output_bin_files[key] = "{}_{}.bin".format(output_prefix, key) output_idx_files[key] = "{}_{}.idx".format(output_prefix, key) builders[key] = make_mmap_builder( output_bin_files[key], vocab_size=None, # magic number, should change it ) # NOTE that we use seq_len + 1 instead of seq_len, since the input tokens will be shifted by one. processor = PromptDatasetProcessor( tokenize=tokenizer.encode_code, pad_token=pad_token_id, max_seq_len=seq_len + 1, discard_overlong=discard_overlong, sliding_stride=sliding_stride, eod_token=pad_token_id) processor.start_time = perf_counter() doc_iter = pool.imap_unordered(processor.process_sample_strict, prompt_dataset, chunksize=20) for doc_idx, docs in tqdm(enumerate(doc_iter, start=1)): processor.doc_processed += 1 for doc in docs: processor.doc_generated += 1 for key in DATA_KEYS: builders[key].add_item(torch.IntTensor(doc[key])) for key in DATA_KEYS: builders[key].finalize(output_idx_files[key]) if __name__ == "__main__": fire.Fire(main)